This week’s service provides worship, a time for communion, a segment just for kids, and Shawn preaching from John 21. We invite you to gather your whole family around one screen and participate in the service. You may want to prepare for communion before you begin watching. If you have grape juice and crackers or bread, please feel free to partake of the emblems as Matt guides us. If not, please simply spend the time in meditation and prayer.
(Having trouble watching the video? You can also watch it here.)
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Parents, we have designed a few resources just for your kids. During today’s online service you’ll see the first episode of “Bible Bites”, a special segment in which we explain the sermon’s passage in a kid-friendly way. Each week we will also provide a “Dover Kids at Home” packet including activities and conversation starters centered around today's Bible passage. You can download this packet below, print it out, and give your kids the activity to work on as they listen to Shawn preach. (If you’d rather receive this packet by mail each week please call the church office at 765-482-3686 and let Rita know.) We’ve also created a couple Spotify playlists just for your kids. Enjoy!