Connect & grow

We are meant to live in community.  At Dover we want you to be connected to others and grow in your faith.


growth groups

Growth Groups are focused on intentional study of God’s word as well as building relationships through fun and fellowship. They meet for Bible study at Dover on Sundays from 9am-10am. Growth Groups are available for all ages, 2 years old and up. Nursery care is provided for those under 2. Sign up for a Growth Group today or drop by any Sunday morning to join in on the fun.


Kids ministry

Dover values kids!  In addition to Growth Groups we offer a variety of kids programming to both teach kids about who Jesus is and to develop relationships that can carry them through their faith journey.  The nursery is open during both Growth Groups and worship service for kids under 2 years old.  Elevate is an engaging program offered during our worship service for kids ages 2 years old through 6th grade.  We also plan "Super Saturdays" during the summer - these are one-day special events filled with music, games, Bible teaching, and lots of fun.  Our 4th and 5th grade students attend SuperStart, a Christ in Youth conference, each spring.  

Ministry Leader - Burgess Brown


678 is our youth group for middle school students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades.  They meet most Sunday evenings during the school year from 5:30 - 7:30pm in our "White House", across the parking lot from the main church building, enjoying a meal together along with games and a lesson.

Ministry leader - Shawna Tully

Sr. High Youth Group

Our Sr. High Youth Group meets most Sunday evenings during the school year from 5:30 - 7:30pm in our "White House", across the parking lot from our main church building.  Each Sunday they enjoy a meal together and learn about Jesus.  They also go on a mission trip each summer.  

Ministry Leader - Matt Hardin

Women's Ministry

Our women enjoy fellowship through Bible studies and special events such as our Women's Brunch.  

Ministry To Men

On the second Sunday of each month at 8am, our men gather for breakfast and prayer.  With annual events like a euchre tournament and trap shoot, as well as ongoing bible studies, we seek to equip men to make a positive impact in their arena.  

Ministry Leader - Matt Hardin

55 & Better

This ministry is for our seniors.  They meet monthly for fellowship.

Ministry Leader - Virginia Rose