Dover at Home - June 7th

Welcome to Dover! We’re so glad you’re here. Please join us in worship and communion this morning.

Having trouble watching the video? You can also watch it here.


Your generosity allows ministry to continue at Dover even in the midst of this pandemic. You can give online at


Today we look at part of Paul’s second missionary journey.

Dover at Home - May 31st

Welcome to Dover! We’re so glad you’re here. Please join us in worship and communion this morning.

Having trouble watching the video? You can also watch it here.


Your generosity allows ministry to continue at Dover even in the midst of this pandemic. You can give online at


Today we return to Acts and learn about a young man who helped spread the word of God.

Dover at Home - May 24th

Welcome to Dover! We’re so glad you’re here. Please join us in worship and communion this morning.

Having trouble watching the video? You can also watch it here.


Your generosity allows ministry to continue at Dover even in the midst of this pandemic. You can give online at


Today’s story involves…leopards?? Maybe not, but that’s what J.P. thinks. Let’s take a look together at this story of Jesus healing and one man’s thankfulness.

Dover at Home - May 17th

Welcome to Dover! We’re so glad you’re here. Please join us in worship and communion this morning.

Having trouble watching the video? You can also watch it here.


Your generosity allows ministry to continue at Dover even in the midst of this pandemic. You can give online at


Revelation is a hard book of the Bible to understand. Today we’re looking at seven characteristics of God laid out in the first eight verses.

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Dover at Home - May 10th

Welcome to Dover! We’re so glad you’re here. Please join us in worship and communion this morning.

Having trouble watching the video? You can also watch it here.


Your generosity allows ministry to continue at Dover even in the midst of this pandemic. You can give online at


This week we explore a story involving a baby in danger, a spying sister, and an adoption into the royal family! Download the packet below with conversation starters and activities to continue the learning and discussion.

Download this week’s Dover Kids packet here!

COVID-19 Response Update

Dear Dover Family,

As we read in 1 Corinthians 12: 12-14, "Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body-whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free-and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but many, " and in 1 Corinthians 12: 27, "Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is part of it."

With this direction in mind and with the 5-step Back on Track plan issued by the Governor, the Eldership met this week and after much prayer, have decided that we will continue our online service presentations until Sunday, June 14, thus allowing for our whole congregation to return together. That Sunday, barring any setbacks, coincides with Stage 4 of the Governor's plan for re-opening of the State. At that point, the plan allows for more freedom for those in our congregation that may be at higher risk of contracting the COVID-19 virus.

Although we are all anxious to meet back together, we feel the best and safest approach is to allow more time for the spread of the virus to slow down as well as making sure that when we do meet together again, it will be on the safest of terms and when the Dover Body of Christ can all be together as one body. Dover has always worked very hard to be one unified body no matter what trial or circumstance is thrown at us, and this unique situation is no different. We want to all be together when we celebrate this reunion!

We appreciate your continued prayers for guidance and discernment during this unique time and will continue to communicate any unforeseen changes. As we sit here today, the plan is to re-open for live services on Sunday, June 14, 2020. We will have service only during this stage. While the nursery will be open for use, it will not be staffed until a hopeful return to normal programming for all phases of Sunday mornings when Stage 5 begins on July 4, 2020.

While it is not mandatory, we welcome any part of our family to practice any form of the published safety guidelines when we reconvene. The goal of waiting until Stage 4 is to make sure everyone feels safe and comfortable when we reconvene.

In Him,

Eldership of Dover Christian Church

Dover at Home - May 3rd

Welcome to Dover! We’re so glad you’re here. Please join us in worship and communion this morning.

Having trouble watching the video? You can also watch it here.


Your generosity allows ministry to continue at Dover even in the midst of this pandemic. You can give online at


This week Ann brings some Legos to help tell the Bible story. Download the packet below with conversation starters and activities to continue the learning and discussion.

Dover at Home - April 26th

Welcome to Dover! We’re so glad you’re here. Please join us in worship and communion this morning.

Having trouble watching the video? You can also watch it here.


Your generosity allows ministry to continue at Dover even in the midst of this pandemic. You can give online at


Rosie is all dressed up for this week’s Bible Bites! Download the packet below with conversation starters and activities to continue the learning and discussion.

Dover at Home - April 19th

Welcome to Dover! We’re so glad you’re here. Please join us in worship and communion this morning.

Having trouble watching the video? You can also watch it here.


Your generosity allows ministry to continue at Dover even in the midst of this pandemic. You can give online at


This week Rosie joins us for Bible Bites as we look the Bible passage from a kid’s point of view. (Kids - have you noticed Sneaky Pete each week?!) Download the packet below with conversation starters and activities to continue the learning and discussion.

Dover at Home - April 12th

Welcome to Dover! We’re so glad you’re here. Please join us in worship and communion this morning.

Having trouble watching the video? You can also watch it here.


Your generosity allows ministry to continue at Dover even in the midst of this pandemic. You can give online at


We miss you kids! We hope you are enjoying Bible Bites each week. Download the packet below for special activities we put together just for you. Want to play Easter BINGO with us this evening? Let us know below and we’ll send you the information to join our ZOOM meeting!

Dover at Home - April 5th

Welcome to Dover! We’re so glad you’re here. Please join us in worship and communion this morning.

Having trouble watching the video? You can also watch it here.


Your generosity allows ministry to continue at Dover even in the midst of this pandemic. You can give online at


We miss you kids! We hope you are enjoying Bible Bites each week. Download the packet below for special activities we put together just for you. Check out last week’s service for links to a couple of Spotify playlists we made for you!

Dover At Home - Online Service - March 29th


This week’s service provides worship, a time for communion, a segment just for kids, and Shawn preaching from John 21. We invite you to gather your whole family around one screen and participate in the service. You may want to prepare for communion before you begin watching. If you have grape juice and crackers or bread, please feel free to partake of the emblems as Matt guides us. If not, please simply spend the time in meditation and prayer.

(Having trouble watching the video? You can also watch it here.)


Your generosity allows ministry to continue at Dover even in the midst of this pandemic. You can give online at


Parents, we have designed a few resources just for your kids. During today’s online service you’ll see the first episode of “Bible Bites”, a special segment in which we explain the sermon’s passage in a kid-friendly way. Each week we will also provide a “Dover Kids at Home” packet including activities and conversation starters centered around today's Bible passage. You can download this packet below, print it out, and give your kids the activity to work on as they listen to Shawn preach. (If you’d rather receive this packet by mail each week please call the church office at 765-482-3686 and let Rita know.) We’ve also created a couple Spotify playlists just for your kids. Enjoy!

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We and our partners use cookies to personalize your experience, to show you ads based on your interests, and for measurement and analytics purposes. By using our website and our services, you agree to our use of cookies as described in our Cookie Policy.

Dover at Home - Online Service - March 22

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Join in!

We encourage you to actively participate in worship in your home this weekend. Gather your family and watch the sermon together. Look up the Bible references. Pray. Sing a couple worship songs. (We made a YouTube playlist for you!) Take communion as a family. Interact with others in the comments. We'd love to see a picture of your family worshiping together. Post it on social media with the tag #doverathome

This Week’s Sermon

This week's sermon comes from Ephesians 4. Jerry Imes teaches us how we can obey God's word and preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. He also references the following scriptures: Mark 3:25, Philippians 1:27, and 1 Peter 4:7-10. (If you have trouble watching the video above you can also watch it here.)

Take Communion Together

We have provided a communion meditation from Craig Wininger below. If you have grape juice and crackers or bread, please feel free to partake of the emblems after your time of reflection and prayer. If not, please simply spend the time in meditation and prayer.

Want Something Just for the Kids?

One point Jerry makes in this week's sermon is that God instructs us to live with humility. Check out this lesson on humility and download the activity pdf for ideas on how to review the concepts covered with your kids.

Give Online

Your generosity allows ministry to continue at Dover even in the midst of this pandemic. You can give online at

Communion Meditation

Written by Craig Wininger

MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express....We are all familiar with what these names represent: Credit Cards. If you understand the principle of the credit card, then you can also understand the entire sacrificial system of Old Testament and Jesus's sacrifice on the cross.

Credit cards are used in the best cases just for convenience or in the less desirable cases for when a debt is created for which cash is not available to cover the debt. In either case, a debt is created in exchange for some benefit...dinner, gas, exercise equipment, groceries, or a new sofa. The benefit is enjoyed immediately, but everyone knows that at the end of the month, the bill is coming due! When the bill comes, there are several different the entire balance off at once, pay some portion of it off and carry a balance with interest added, or make the minimum payment which will also accrue interest and will increase the original debt.

This is what sin did. Sin created a debt which we are told in Scripture could not be paid by us..."If you eat of the tree in the center of the garden, you will surely die." A "credit card" was created..."Master's Card" (See what I did there?) So, pertaining to sin, there was the individual's "guilt offering"...a sacrifice amounting to the minimum payment on the credit card, which was an extension of grace, but the debt increased. Then, for all people, there was the "Day of Atonement" when the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies once a year to make atonement for the people.

But of the Day of Atonement, we read in Hebrews 10:3-4- "But in those sacrifices there is a reminder of sins year by year. For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins." In other words, this paid all of the interest and charges, but only reduced the debt back to it's original amount.

But, when Jesus made His sacrifice on the cross, the debt was paid in full and the credit card cut up! Colossians 2:13-15- "When you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities, He made a public display of them, having triumphed over them through Him." So, as we participate in the communion today, let us be thankful to be debt free with the Master!

Example Prayer

Our heavenly Father, thank you so much for sending Jesus to the earth to die for my sins. I am grateful to have my sin debt completely paid for by his precious blood. Thank you also that I have the hope of the resurrection because Jesus was able to conquer death and the grave. May my life bring you glory as I live strive to live for you and not for myself. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Dover's Response to COVID-19

March 19, 2020  

Dear Dover Family and Friends,  

Our elder team met last night to discuss the best ways we can continue being the church while minimizing the risks presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.  

The CDC has recommended gatherings be held to 10 people or less; therefore, we have decided not to have an in-person worship service this coming Sunday, March 22. All programming at Dover Christian Church is suspended for the time being. We will continue evaluating the situation weekly.  

An email will go out tomorrow with hyperlinks to a video of the sermon and online giving. A communion thought will also be provided in written form, along with helpful instructions on preparing communion at home. These resources will also be available directly at and on our Facebook page. 

As a reminder, our church staff is connecting those who can run errands with those who need errands run. You can respond to this email or call the church office, 765-482-3686, to participate in that ministry.  

Please take time to pray for each other and to check on folks from your Growth Group by sending a text or making a phone call.  

Thank you so much for your patience and for understanding during this unique time in history.  

The Elders of Dover Christian Church